Retail AI

Give customers more opportunities to purchase

To add value to a business, it is necessary to open up to digitization and look at the factors that affect the shopping experience and customer relationships, optimizing the presence of stores locally and online. At intarget, we take advantage of data and the latest Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies to help brands to develop e-commerce systems that deliver a personalized and innovative customer experience to increase sales through the power of data. In fact, thanks to cloud technologies, many solutions can be applied quickly and equally quickly integrated into one’s ecosystem.

We support brands in implementing Recommendation and Product Affinity strategies for e-commerce that meet the taste and preference of each customer across all touchpoints. Thanks to an automatic system, we can manage and predict out-of-stock products and interact with users in a way that optimizes campaigns and supports requests via chat bots. Finally, to enhance the user experience, our Virtual Search service allows users to search a product using images.

The advantages do not end there: Retail AI enables optimized process management and integration, in addition to ready-to-market and scalable solutions.

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